
Residents working together to better our community.

This directory contains important contact information that can assist you in addressing neighborhood issues. Click here to identify which crimes can be reported online and which require reporting by phone.

PB is a vibrant community, and awareness of potential safety concerns is essential. Residential areas in PB experience very low rates of violent crime. However, property crimes like car break-ins and home burglaries do occur. More common are nuisances such as party houses, noise, litter, illegal parking, and bike thefts. Neighborhood Watch enables residents to look out for each other and collectively act effectively to stop these nuisances. Starting a Neighborhood Watch is easy! Click here for more information.


The trend of restaurants operating like bars has led to increased alcohol-related and general crime, higher DUI rates, and negative impacts on public safety and community quality of life. Pacific Beach consistently ranks in the top 3 communities for crime, with most violent incidents being alcohol-related and occurring in the 'bar district' on Garnet Avenue and Mission Blvd.

The city needs to implement land-use regulations to control alcohol businesses. Click here for more information.

Alcohol sellers should pay a fee based on alcohol sales to fund extra policing necessitated by those alcohol sales.


We need to fight back against abuses of land use policies, including the City’s Bonus ADU Program that incentivizes developers to pack up to 17 units into single-family backyards, ignoring carefully considered community plans. Developers shouldn't be allowed to bypass Prop D, as in the case of the proposed five-story building, Rose Creek Village, which will exceed the 30-foot coastal height limit due to its status as a 100% affordable development. This same situation occurred with the recently proposed 23-story building project Vela for four lots at the north corner of Cass and Tourquoise, where the German Motors garage, Freddy's Liquor store, and the French Gourmet are now.

In mid-September, the Mayor and Councilmember Joe LaCava contacted the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to verify compliance with the intent of the State Density Bonus Law. HCD responded in January, stating that while the law doesn't specify a minimum percentage of residential areas in mixed-use developments, allowing just five residential units with unlimited non-residential space could lead to unintended outcomes. The Vela project is now under review by the City’s Planning Department.

Click here to stay updated with Nieghobors for a Better California, a non-profit group.


In 2018, a group of people living in their vehicles filed a class-action lawsuit against the enforcement of the Vehicle Habitation Ordinance. In January 2024, the City settled the case. According to the settlement, the Vehicle Habitation Ordinance will not be enforced when legal parking options, including safe parking lots, are full, closed, or not reasonably available to individuals sheltering in vehicles.

The City is working on establishing more safe lots. Report these problems on Get-it-Done.


Starting May 1, 2023, anyone operating a short-term rental in San Diego must have a short-term rental license. A notice outside the building with the TOT Certificate number, STRO license number, and contact information for the host or designated local contact. Contact the STR local representative anytime you encounter noise, parking, or trash. If the problem is unresolved, click here to find out how to report the violation to the City.


During the summer months, vending is restricted in high-traffic boardwalk areas. Vendors must show a city permit and not be within 15 feet of any other sidewalk vendor.

Park rangers handle enforcement. The San Diego Police Department (SDPD) is not responsible for day-to-day active enforcement. To report a violation in areas outside of parks, contact the City of San Diego Code Enforcement by calling 619-533-6487. For areas within parks, email


We believe community problems can be solved most effectively when people work together and are accurately informed about issues and decision-makers. If you join our email list, we can advise you so you can take action on issues you care about and make a difference! JOIN HERE! is an all-volunteer group. is a volunteer-driven organization. All donations support efforts to inform and enhance the Pacific Beach Community. Please note that your donation is not tax deductible. To donate, please email

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